Comunicado de prensa
septiembre 17, 2024

Movilidad verde en Fuerteventura: un electrolizador de H-TEC SYSTEMS genera hidrógeno verde para IR Maxoinversiones

Die Wasserstofftankstelle (HRS) in Morro Jable (Fuerteventura). © IR Maxoinversiones

H-TEC SYSTEMS, empresa líder del sector de la tecnología de electrólisis PEM, suministrará un electrolizador ME 450 PEM de 1 megawatio para un proyecto de hidrógeno verde que se llevará a cabo en la isla de Fuerteventura (España). El proyecto, impulsado por IR Maxoinversiones, tiene como finalidad descarbonizar la movilidad en la isla.

La empresa IR Maxoinversiones, dedicada desde 2007 al transporte y distribución de combustible en las islas Canarias, impulsa las energías renovables, con especial énfasis en el hidrógeno verde. La empresa distribuye biocombustible e hidrógeno verde para fines de movilidad a través de una red de estaciones públicas de recarga de hidrógeno (HRS) a lo largo y ancho de Fuerteventura.

“Estamos orgullosos de que nuestra tecnología contribuya a la autosuficiencia energética y a la protección del clima en la isla de Fuerteventura gracias al proyecto pionero de IR Maxoinversiones. Canarias es una región con un alto potencial para las energías renovables, como la solar y la eólica. Esta región importa combustibles fósiles para fines de movilidad, lo que nos brinda una excelente oportunidad para descarbonizar utilizando hidrógeno verde. La tecnología de electrólisis PEM se presta especialmente para equilibrar el carácter fluctuante de la energía solar y eólica. Además, la elevada calidad del hidrógeno producido por el ME450 lo convierte en la opción ideal para este proyecto”, señala Alexander Detke, Jefe de equipo de ventas de H-TEC SYSTEMS.

A partir del verano de 2025, IR Maxoinversiones tiene previsto empezar a producir hidrógeno verde con el electrolizador ME450 PEM de H-TEC SYSTEMS en Puerto del Rosario, capital de Fuerteventura. El electrolizador de 1 megavatio cuenta con capacidad suficiente para producir diariamente 450 kilogramos de hidrógeno de alta pureza de grado 5.0, que puede utilizarse directamente en coches y camiones propulsados por pila de combustible en proyectos de movilidad o para aplicaciones power-to-X. El hidrógeno verde se comercializará en las estaciones públicas de recarga de hidrógeno (HRS) de IR Maxoinversiones. Sumando sinergías, IR Maxoinversiones es la propietaria de “H2GO RENT” (servicio de alquiler de coches eléctricos y de pila de combustible de hidrógeno), tiene su propia flota de camiones de H2 y ofrece servicios de asesoramiento sobre la transición energética.

Para producir el hidrógeno verde se utilizará energía eólica y solar procedente de una planta fotovoltaica propiedad de IR Maxoinversiones; así pues, el hidrógeno producido será 100% ecológico y libre de emisiones, garantizando así la sostenibilidad medioambiental de este proyecto. Con el fin de descarbonizar la movilidad en Canarias, IR Maxoinversiones tiene previsto lanzar una línea completa de productos relacionados con el hidrógeno y servicios adicionales en torno a las energías renovables.

“En IR Maxoinversiones estamos convencidos de que el hidrógeno verde desempeñará un papel fundamental en el futuro del archipiélago canario. Nuestro compromiso consiste en liderar el desarrollo de esta tecnología y contribuir a un futuro más sostenible para las islas”, explica Ismael Ruíz, Director General de IR Maxoinversiones. “Hemos elegido el electrolizador PEM de H-TEC SYSTEMS porque es un producto acreditado, de alta eficiencia y elevada disponibilidad.”

A medida que evoluciona el panorama energético, Fuerteventura se posiciona como un referente, mostrando cómo serán los sistemas energéticos del futuro. Con este proyecto, IR Maxoinversiones no solo contribuye a la sostenibilidad de la isla, sino que además se erige en un modelo pionero de cómo la energía removable —y en particular el hidrógeno verde— puede suministrar energía a comunidades enteras. El compromiso de IR Maxoinversiones para con Fuerteventura y la integración de la energía solar con la producción de hidrógeno verde perfila un modelo de independencia energética y descarbonización que otras regiones pueden seguir. Esta iniciativa abre la puerta a un futuro, no tan lejano, en el que las islas y zonas aisladas son energéticamente autosuficientes y totalmente ecológicas.

The management of Quest One has initiated a program to strengthen the company's competitiveness, which focuses on significant cost reductions. The company is reacting to an overall tense economic situation and a ramp-up of the German and international hydrogen economy that has lagged behind …

  • A demonstration plant for the Modular Hydrogen Platform (MHP) large-scale electrolyzer from Quest One is being built on the MAN Energy Solutions site in Augsburg, Germany
  • The large-scale electrolyzer can be visited by business partners during the construction phase and when in operation
  • Test …

The Advisory Board of Quest One has appointed Michael Meister as the new CEO effective February 1, 2025. He succeeds Robin von Plettenberg, who is leaving the company at his own request. Meister will take over the strategic leadership of the hydrogen specialist ad interim. The company's Advisory …

Quest One has opened its new Gigahub in Hamburg for the serial and automated production of electrolysis stacks. In the presence of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Hamburg's First Mayor Dr. Peter Tschentscher, Quest One CEO Robin von Plettenberg and CEO of MAN Energy Solutions Dr. Uwe Lauber, a new …

Helen Oy, one of Finland's largest energy companies, is joining forces with MAN Energy Solutions and PEM electrolysis specialist, H-TEC SYSTEMS, to build a 3-megawatt production plant for green hydrogen, which will be located in the vicinity of Helsinki’s district heating network and the Vuosaari …

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  • Ambitious goal: avoiding one percent of annual greenhouse gas emissions worldwide by 2050
  • New Gigahub in Hamburg, Germany, to become an international beacon for green …

H-TEC SYSTEMS, a pioneer and leading PEM electrolysis technology provider, will be presenting high-performance electrolyzer for sustainable energy systems at this year's ees Europe as part of the leading European trade fair for the energy sector, The smarter E Europe 2024 in Munich. From June 19 to …

  • Strategic partnership with focus on large-scale electrolysis
  • Collaboration leverages complementary expertise in PEM electrolysis and industrial services
  • Aim to develop standardized plant concepts for optimized execution and maximum efficiency

H-TEC SYSTEMS, a pioneer and leading PEM …

H-TEC SYSTEMS is supplying four PEM electrolyzers, Type ME450, with a total volume of 4MW for the “Grenzland Energie Kompakt” project which is being realized by the Grenzland Bürgerenergie eG.

H-TEC Systems is delighted to have the opportunity to renew its collaboration with the Grenzland …

H-TEC SYSTEMS, a leading provider of PEM electrolyzer technology, has positioned itself in the first quarter to ensure future-proof international growth through its team of experts in crucial key positions. Over the past two years, H-TEC SYSTEMS’ workforce has increased almost fivefold and grown …

The hydrogen production plant with 1 MW capacity will be used in an innovative H2 pilot project in the city of Sevilla.

A 1MW PEM electrolyzer ME450 of the German electrolyzer manufacturer H-TEC SYSTEMS will be utilized in the strategic green hydrogen pilot project “HUB LA ISLA H2” in the region of …

At the beginning of the year, hydrogen expert H-TEC SYSTEMS welcomed Markus Weber in his role as the new managing director (CFO) as part of the company´s management team. He has taken over the position from Frank Zimmermann who left the company at his own request.

At the start of this year, H-TEC …

In 2024, numerous events will give the unique opportunity to share groundbreaking innovations in the field of green hydrogen technology and to exchange ideas on shaping the future together. Here is an overview of the events at which H-TEC SYSTEMS will be exhibiting. Dive in with us and discover how …

H-TEC SYSTEMS has announced the delivery of its ME450 PEM electrolyzer to the Hydrogen Lab Bremerhaven (HLB), a research project at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES. General contractor for the project is Wenger Engineering GmbH. The one megawatt ME450 PEM electrolyzer from H-TEC …

This year, H-TEC SYSTEMS has already been present at numerous trade fairs.  As we move into the second half of the year, the H-TEC SYSTEMS experts will continue to present the company’s innovative PEM-Electrolysers and share our expertise on hydrogen production at different events.

Familiarize …

Hydrogen expert H-TEC SYSTEMS commissions EKPO to develop stack components for use in next-generation PEM electrolyzers.

EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies GmbH (EKPO) and hydrogen specialist H-TEC SYSTEMS have agreed on a development contract for realizing stack components for PEM electrolyzers. As part …

Hydrogen expert H-TEC SYSTEMS has sold a 1 MW PEM ME450 electrolyzer to the University of Stuttgart. The facility is a component of the WAVE-H2 project, a test center that is currently being built on the site of the Freudenstadt campus. In future, the center will provide innovative research …

After a corona-induced break, the city of Augsburg again honors companies of special value to the city in 2023. H-TEC-SYSTEMS is honored to be among the ten companies selected to receive the award "Quality - Made in Augsburg" this year. Since 2014, the award recognizes the economic commitment of …

Hydrogen expert H-TEC SYSTEMS builds state-of-the-art and climate-neutral production and development site for PEM electrolyzer stacks in Hamburg.

Together with representatives from politics and commerce, the official ground-breaking ceremony for a new factory of hydrogen specialist H-TEC SYSTEMS …

The energy transition process is not possible without hydrogen, explain experts from technology, business and politics. According to the latest studies, many members of the public are also of the opinion that hydrogen will play a decisive role in mobility and the economy in the future. The European …

10 MW blocks of the Modular Hydrogen Platform (MHP) can be combined into systems with an electrolysis performance of 100 MW and more. The overall system efficiency of 77 percent along with high system availability thus result in low hydrogen costs.

Demand for large-scale hydrogen projects from …

Green hydrogen is being used as a zero-emission fuel for INNIO's Jenbacher plants.

For its "Power-to-Hydrogen-to-Power" project, INNIO has ordered two electrolyzers from H-TEC SYSTEMS that provide a total output of 2 MW and which are used to convert green electricity into green hydrogen (H2). This …

For hydrogen to become the energy pioneer in Germany, active action must be taken. Otherwise this goal cannot be achieved in the nearest future. Together with 33 other motivated companies and associations, H-TEC SYSTEMS has submitted a position paper.

With the paper "Make a start now: 1-GW starter …

H-TEC SYSTEMS delivers PEM electrolysers to Norwegian-Danish joint venture. Innovative cooperation in wind power, electrolysis and liquid biogas (LBG) between Norwegian Hydrogen and energy entrepreneur Jens Peter Lunden.

“Norwegian Hydrogen aims to be a pioneer in the use of green hydrogen for …

Also this year H-TEC SYSTEMS will be represented at several events. At various trade shows and conferences, the company will present its innovative PEM electrolyzers and share its expertise in the field of hydrogen production by PEM electrolysis.

Learn more about the PEM technology from H-TEC …

In view of the energy crisis, the market for alternative energy concepts and energy storage systems is experiencing a strong growth curve. According to the German Energy Storage Association (BVES), the storage industry grew by more than 25 percent with sales of EUR 8.9 billion in 2021. After a boom …

The high demand for renewable energy sources in the economy ensures strong growth for the Augsburg-based specialist for green hydrogen. After the reorganization of the management team in the first quarter of this year, H-TEC SYSTEMS has now expanded the management board through the addition of two …

Hydrogen company H-TEC SYSTEMS training apprentices for the first time

A total of three young adults have started their vocational training at H-TEC SYSTEMS in Augsburg. The company offers training in the field of mechatronics as well as technical product design. The hydrogen specialist thus covers …

A lot is happening in the hydrogen world. In the second half of the year, there are countless exciting events taking place once again. Learn more about the PEM technology from H-TEC SYSTEMS, listen to our expert presentations and expand your network. We're looking forward to meeting you at the …

H-TEC SYSTEMS, a leading manufacturer of PEM electrolysis systems, provides two ME450 PEM electrolysis systems to Gruyère Hydrogen Power SA (GHP) for utilization in a production facility for the manufacture of green hydrogen. In future, GHP will supply the green hydrogen to an international …

With the Hydrogen Cube System (HCS) PEM electrolyzer, H-TEC SYSTEMS is further expanding its market presence in Switzerland.

Augsburg, 26.07.2022 – H-TEC SYSTEMS GmbH has sold a Hydrogen Cube System (HCS) PEM electrolyzer to Wenger Hydrogen GmbH, building on a successful cooperation in past …

Technology leader and green hydrogen specialist looks back on 25 years shaping the hydrogen economy.  

Augsburg, June 28, 2022 The hydrogen experts at H-TEC SYSTEMS are celebrating their 25th anniversary this year. Growing from one of the first players in the German hydrogen industry into a …

The energy transition company GP JOULE has ordered an electrolyzer with a capacity of 2 megawatts from H-TEC SYSTEMS. The electrolyzer is to produce hydrogen for a filling station in Bremerhaven. The electricity required for this will come from a nearby wind farm. Delivery and installation of the …

Module concept for scalable electrolysis power in the multi-megawatt range enables large CO2 savings by using green hydrogen. H-TEC SYSTEMS provides information on the Hydrogen Cube System at the Hannover Messe.  

Augsburg, May 23, 2022 - H-TEC SYSTEMS will present its new PEM electrolysis …

We live environmental protection and sustainability not only through our products, but also in our everyday work. After passing the commission examination, H-TEC SYSTEMS has been awarded the ÖKOPROFIT certificate at our Augsburg site and we can now call ourselves an "ÖKOPROFIT-A³ company". 


It is now more important than ever to decrease our dependancy on fossil fuels and to ensure energy sovereignty. In this context, green hydrogen has become the key element of the energy transition and for climate protection. This year, experts from H-TEC SYSTEMS will again provide information about …

The demand for hydrogen projects is increasing rapidly. H-TEC SYSTEMS is also experiencing this and is therefore investing massively in growth. To strengthen the management team, Robin von Plettenberg took over as CEO and CSO (Chief Sales Officer) in the first quarter of the year. Frank Zimmermann, …

Swiss energy company Groupe E purchases two ME450/1400 PEM electrolysers from H-TEC SYSTEMS for first hydrogen production plant in western Switzerland

Augsburg, April 12, 2022 - H-TEC SYSTEMS and Groupe E will implement the first hydrogen project in Western Switzerland. For this project, two H-TEC …

H-TEC SYSTEMS aims to take a market-leading position

Augsburg, March 03, 2022 - Over the next few years, MAN Energy Solutions will invest up to 500 million euro in its subsidiary H-TEC SYSTEMS to transform the hydrogen specialist into a mass-producer of PEM electrolysers as quickly as possible.

“O …

PEM Electrolyser ME450/1400 for green hydrogen to be used in the “Renewable Gasfield” development project in Gabersdorf, Austria.

Augsburg,  February 17, 2022 – As part of the “Renewable Gasfield” development project, Energie Steiermark will utilises a PEM Electrolyser ME450/1400 from H-TEC SYSTEMS …

Innovative project in the German Emsland region relies on H-TEC SYSTEMS electrolysers for sector integration

Augsburg, January 27, 2022 – H-TEC SYSTEMS, specialized in technology for green hydrogen, supplies Westnetz GmbH with two 1 MW electrolysis systems for the CEC Haren GmbH & Co. KG project …

H-TEC SYSTEMS advances research project PEP.IN with PEM electrolysers expertise as part of H2Giga 

Augsburg,  December 15, 2021 Augsburg based hydrogen technology experts H-TEC SYSTEMS is to become part of the H2Giga hydrogen project for research & development into the serial production of PEM …

The high level of interest shown by visitors at the "H2.0 Conference" as part of "HUSUM Wind" demonstrates the current relevance of green hydrogen for applications in industry, e-mobility and regional sector integration. The next upcoming events where you can inform yourself about H-TEC SYSTEMS …

Augsburg, September 7, 2021 - H-TEC SYSTEMS, specialist in the technology for producing green hydrogen, is supplying a PEM electrolysis system as the technological core for a new project with Wenger Engineering GmbH. The H-TEC SYSTEMS ME450/1400 PEM Electrolyser with one megawatt of electrical power …

MAN Energy Solutions already gained a 40% stake in the company in 2019. The now-completed acquisition of the shares from the previous majority shareholder, GP JOULE, was already agreed in the past year. The parties have agreed not to disclose the price of the acquisition. The now-complete …

According to the study published on World Environment Day 2021, current hydrogen production in Germany is 57 terawatt hours (TWh) per year. So far, this amount is mostly produced with fossil fuels. However, demand volumes for green hydrogen and derivatives are expected to rise to as much as 80 TWh …

Volkswagen AG has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. We look forward to expanding our collaboration with Volkswagen AG and MAN Energy Solutions and leveraging the synergies between our companies. As part of the Group, we can contribute our technologies as well as our network for the …

Sönke Tangermann, Vorstand der Hamburger Greenpeace Energy und einer der Geschäftsführer der Energie des Nordens, nannte den Produktionsstart drei Millionen kWh Wasserstoff pro Jahr einen echten Meilenstein. Besonders interessant ist, dass mit dem neuen Elektrolyseur gleich mehrere wichtige Beiträge …

H-TEC SYSTEMS was not just represented with a virtual booth at the event, but also in the speaking program. In a keynote “pitch” at the expert forum, Emily Proell explained what is needed to successfully produce green hydrogen and how it can be deployed.

With the help of PEM electrolysers, such as …

Augsburg, January 29, 2020 – Euromekanik AB is to deploy a PEM Electrolyser from H-TEC SYSTEMS for the Zero Emission Hydrogen Turbine Center (Project ZEHTC) in Sweden.

The Project ZEHTC (Zero Emission Hydrogen Turbine Center) in Finspång, Sweden will implement a H-TEC SYSTEMS ME 100/350 PEM …

Green hydrogen on the rise

Dr. Uwe Lauber,Chief Executive Officer of MAN Energy Solutions, stated: “Green hydrogen is becoming an incredibly important natural resource on our journey to becoming a climate-neutral global economy. With the acquisition of H-TEC SYSTEMS, from now on we will cover all …

Green hydrogen is a key building block for the renewable energy transition in all sectors: For mobility, industry, and heating, the environmentally friendly energy carrier has become the focus of attention for the German government and the EU Commission. H-TEC SYSTEMS, a technology leader in in the …

Descubra qué impulsará la industria energética del mañana: Noticias de Quest One

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