Groundbreaking service for innovative hydrogen technology

Project development plus service equals investment security

To avoid one percent of global CO2 emissions, plant availability and the efficiency of your hydrogen production are a must. This is exactly what Quest One Project Execution & Customer Services guarantee. Rely on us from the conclusion of the contract, planning process, and commissioning through to ongoing maintenance and repairs. Quick and easy. Technical, organizational, and above all: personal.

In addition to a wide range of technical expertise, our service guarantees high availability of wear and spare parts for all Quest One electrolyzers, electrolysis stacks, and corresponding process-related components. Maximum performance for your hydrogen plant. Maximum economic efficiency for you.

From us to you: Service, support, and security

  • Ensuring technical plant availability and reducing OPEX
  • Integrated service concept for long-term performance assurance
  • Best possible price performance thanks to customized maintenance contracts

From project execution
through to
reliable operations

Sustainable project management

The components of the Quest One hydrogen production systems are a perfectly coordinated team. This is exactly what you can expect from our project management experts. We support you throughout all project phases even before the contract has been signed. We secure costs, guide, and advise you. Based on partnership and customized to your needs. The goal of our project management is to secure your investment: from administrative tasks, coordination and order processing through to risk and claim management.

Commissioning & Field Service

After commissioning comes productivity. To ensure this remains the case for as long as possible, the Quest One Field Service takes care of all necessary tasks. We inspect, test, maintain, and optimize electrolyzers. We instruct your personnel, conduct training courses for system operators, and provide assistance and advice on how to solve problems. Everything from a single source.

Remote Service & Support

Quest One hydrogen technology is well-engineered and reliable. You have no need to worry about anything. However, should a system malfunction occur: Our Service & Support team will rectify the problem. Depending on the service package selected, the inspection costs are already covered. We also ensure the availability of your system through seamless predictive monitoring in the Quest One Technical Service Center. The acquired knowledge flows into the continuous further development of our technology in cooperation with our specialist departments – and thus into your system.


Service packages

More security for the service provided: Select your package

Monitoring & Support 

Monitoring &

We guarantee predictive analytics and a quick response to problems thanks to constant remote monitoring carried out by our Technical Service Center in Augsburg. And, of course, we support your O&M staff - personally or through the 24/7 service portal.

Inspection & Checks

Inspection &

We ensure your system availability through regular inspections and on-site preventive checks. In addition, we provide training and instruction for the operating personnel during our work on the electrolyzer.

Operation & Maintenance 

Operation &

We keep your system fully maintained with our 360° service package. For optimized processes that lead to the lowest possible production costs for hydrogen production.



Reliable, personal, prepared: The Quest One service experts look forward to meeting you.

Quest One - Maintenance and service

Bernd Behnke
Vice President Project Execution

Quest One - Maintenance and service

Andreas Wecker
Vice President Customer Services

Quest One - Maintenance and service

Tobias Kimm
Team Leader Project Management

Quest One - Maintenance and service

Andreas Schweizer
Team Leader Technical Service

We are where the future is created

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